

there, over there, distant




bo·ko-jee : there; in that place (Grey 1839)
Bokojo; Yallăla; Bungo. : There (Moore 1842: 164)
Bo-ko, Bo-ko-ja : There (a long distance off) (Symmons 1842: 12)
bocaggio : there: in that place (Salvado 1851: 256)
Bokojo; Yallăla; Bungo. : There (Moore 1884: 114)
bookoo : There (Baaburgurt (Bulyen/George Eliot); Bates XII 2B, 13: 35)
Bokoya : There (Balbuk; Bates XII 2B, 15: 38)
Bọkoj : There (Bardeet; Bates XII 2B, 6: 26)
Bokojo : There (Bardil; Bates XII 2B, 10: 28)
Bookuj : There (Boordenam, Beereenan, Boongong, Werdabirt; Bates XII 2B, 4 : 27)
Bokoja : There (Monnop, Ballarruk; Bates XII 2B, 24: 29)
bōkoja gūl : there go (Ngalbaitch; Bates XII 2B, 7a)
bookal gool wat : way, go that (Ngalbaitch; Bates XII 2B, 7a)
būkal gūl wât : over there go (Ngalbaitch; Bates XII 2B, 7a)
Yalla, bokoja : There (Ngalyart (Sarah Karil); Bates XII 2B, 9 : 35)
bokatch : there (Notum, Wirijan, Kaiar; Bates XII 2B, 8a)
Bukaj : Over there (Waienburt, Banyaitch; Bates XII 2B, 21: 4)
Bokoyuk : There (Woolberr; Bates XII 2B, 17: 30)
Bookitch, bokoja : There (Woorgomirt; Bates XII 2B, 5 : 19)
bukăngul : there go (Jakbăm, Bumblefoot; Bates XII 2B, 3b)
bookoyj, bookee : there (Jakbum, Wabbinyet; Bates XII 2B, 3a)
booluk gool : way, go that (Jakbum, Wabbinyet; Bates XII 2B, 3a)
Booga-ja, boko-ja : There (Joobaitch aka Ngoorweel; Bates XII 2B, 14: 40)
bokătch : there, over there (Kaiari, Wirijan; Bates XII 2B, 8b)
booko : there (Bussell 1930: 10)
pukutj, wuṛaṛ : afar (Douglas 1968: 82)
pukutj : there, a long way off (See also al-.) (Douglas 1968: 99)
poġeet’ : over there (Gordon Harris; von Brandenstein 1970)
puagadyity : over there it is (Von Brandenstein 1988: 55)
puagity, puagäty : down there, over there, in that place (Von Brandenstein 1988: 56)
puuq, puaq : there (Von Brandenstein 1988: 60)
bugitj : distant, yonder (Douglas 1991: 19)
bukitj : that one over there (distant) (Douglas 1991: 19)
bukadja : over there (Douglas 1991: 19)
bukitj, bukadja : that distant one, over there (Douglas 1991: 25)
bugitj, bugunyuk : long way, distant one (Douglas 1991: 25)
bukitj : that one over there (Douglas 1991: 32)
bugitj : those yonder (Douglas 1991: 32)
bookootjwoorar : far (Whitehurst 1992: 35)
bokadja, bookitj : over there (Whitehurst 1992: 43)
Bokadja : afar, far away, over there (Mippy (Rooney) 2002: 325)
Bo : afar; long way off (Davis n.d: 2)