Yabbaree baama
- Song: Yabbaree baama
- Singer: Nebinyan
- Location: Tambellup
- Recorded By: Daisy Bates
A “Bibbul” Song sung by the Tambellup people had come to them through the visit of a Bibbul babbin to their camp:
Yabbaree baama kaila wol’go’ro’ree
(Northern people beating kailees)
Baama koonharee ja ee.
(Beating the “tail” here,)
Kwairewal yalambidda ngurdongee.
(Northern name for emu) hunting or stalking alone.)
A “Bibbul” song sung by the Tambellup people had come to them through the visit of a Bibbul babbin to their camp:
Yabbaree baama kaila wol’go’ro’ree
(Northern people beating kailees)
Baama koongareeja ee
(Beating the”tail”here).
Kwai’re’wal yal’am’bidda ngor’dongee
{??? Northern Name of emu} (stalking or hunting alone).
A Bibbul song sung by the Tambellup people was as follows
Yabbaree baama Kaila wol’go’ro’ree
Northern people beating Kailees
Baama Koongareeja ee
Kwai’rewal yal am bidda ngurdongee
stalking, or hunting by one self!