Mandeegur koojal
- Song: Mandeegur koojal
- Singer: Baabur
- Location: Unknown
- Recorded By: Daisy Bates
The young Bibbulmun girls frequently amusing themselves with dancing along in a kind of half glide half shuffle, with hands either raised above their heads, or holding short wannas. The men of their tribe imitated their movements occasionally, and sang the following song as they tried to shuffle like the girls
Mandeegur koojal Beebul woonanga,
Yaan ee yanman yaan ee yanman yaan ee yanman, yaan ee yanman yaan.
(Two Bibbulmun girls dance this way, that way, this way, that way.)
The young Bibbulmun girls frequently amusing themselves with dancing along in a kind of half glide half shuffle, with hands either raised above their heads, or holding short wannas. The men of their tribe imitated their movements occasionally, and sang the following song as they tried to shuffle like the girls:-
Mandeegur koojal Beebul woonanga,
Yaan ee yanman yaan ee yanman yaan ee yanman, yaan ee yanman yaan.
(Two Bibbulmun girls dance this way, that way, this way, that way.)
Baabur’s Song (Doonanwangi)
2 Girls 2 how I dance this Step.
Mandegur goojal beebul woonanga
this way this way
Yaaneeanman yaaneeanman yaaneeanman
that way this way that way
Yanman yoon ee yanman yaan.
Baabur’s Song
Baabur sang this song with an interlude of dancing :-
Mandeegur goojal beebul woonanga
Yaan-ee-anman, yaan-ee-an-man,
Yaan-ee-an-man yaan-ee-an-man
Yaan-ee-an-man yanman yaan.
Translation :
Two young girls watching the southern (beebul) man dancing this way, dancing this way, dancing this way.