
nyungar, yungar


Nyungar, people


Yunga : man (Wainbret, Helms 1896: 325)
nungar : Blackfellow (Chester Curr 1886: 390)
nungar : The Blacks (Chester Curr 1886: 390)
youngar : blackfellow (Taylor, Curr 1886)
yoongar, noongar : man (Indar, Joowel, Baiungan; Bates XII 2B, 1b)
nungar : blackfellow, man (Jakbăm, Bumblefoot; Bates XII 2B, 3b)
yungar : native (Jakbăm, Bumblefoot; Bates XII 2B, 3b)
nyoongar : blackfellow (Jakbum, Wabbinyet; Bates XXII B, 3a)
nyungar, : man (Jakbum, Wabbinyet; Bates XXII B, 3a)
yūngar : man, blackfellow (Ngalbaitch; Bates XII 2B, 7a)
yūngar yog : native or black woman (Ngalbaitch; Bates XII 2B, 7a)
noongar yog : blackwoman (Notum, Wirijan, Kaiar; Bates XII 2B, 8a)
nŭngar : people (Charlie Dabb; von Brandenstein 1970)
nuuŋar֘ : man, ally, people, name of the SW. Aboriginal language (Von Brandenstein 1988: 29)
nuuar֘ : rare for nyuuŋar (Von Brandenstein 1988: 30)
nyuuŋar : man, ally, people, name of the SW. Aboriginal language (Von Brandenstein 1988: 32)

youngar bwool : 2 blacks (Taylor, Curr 1886)
youngar merting : 3 blacks (Taylor, Curr 1886)
yoongar ngeen : native, who is this? (Jakbum, Wabbinyet; Bates XXII B, 3a)
yoongar wa : natives, where are the? (Jakbum, Wabbinyet; Bates XXII B, 3a)
yoongar naalup : natives, how many, are there? (Jakbum, Wabbinyet; Bates XXII B, 3a)
ngeen nyungar : native, who is this? (Ngalbaitch; Bates XII 2B, 7a)
nyungar wa : natives, where are the? (Ngalbaitch; Bates XII 2B, 7a)
nyungar bulla : natives, how many are there? (Ngalbaitch; Bates XII 2B, 7a)
nyungar wâ : natives where (Ngalbaitch; Bates XII 2B, 7a)
nyungar bula : natives many (are there)? (Ngalbaitch; Bates XII 2B, 7a)
ngīn nyungar : who (is this) native (Ngalbaitch; Bates XII 2B, 7a)
yūngar ngīn guling : who is this native coming (Ngalbaitch; Bates XII 2B, 7a)
yūngar wâ : where are the natives (Ngalbaitch; Bates XII 2B, 7a)